Bullies and buddies

Bullies meet their match in this tale of a spirited and fearless cattail who withstands a whirlwind of bullying… and prevails.

Intimidation gets blown away!

Many names can be given to these annoying oppressors; Teasers, tormentors, rascals, intimidators… but they are commonly known as BULLIES.

No matter what they are called, they push, they rob, they pressure, they beat poor unsuspected beings. The weaker looking prey, is their preferred kind of victim.

Some victims may LOOK weak and vulnerable, despite the fact that inside they are tough and courageous. Read on…

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Bullying is bad

Meet the super cattail that is always cheerful and kind. Living in a bunch on the edge of a slow flowing river, the cattail is carefree and so unquestionably cheerful.

He makes his friends laugh and sing even if some big bad bullies continuously try to put him down.

His spirit is so strong that nothing keeps him down very long.

Bullies and Buddies tells a tale of self-esteem, bravery as well as positivism.

It is true that he may be small in size, but he is as courageous as a lion.

Rowdy Rascals No More

This children’s book is a story about being yourself no matter what.

Even if you are bullied around and intimidated, never let the bully win. Face-up to them, tell the authorities, your teacher, your parents. You may get pushed down, but always get back up.

Bullies have nothing on this clever happy cattail because he has friends who support and love him.

Get this book now!

Ages 3 to 5